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Due diligence and company valuations We go beyond the traditional review and financial analysis

Due Diligence y valoración de empresas

Due diligence and company valuations

In today’s business world, it is very common for organizations to seek alliances and agreements. Successful completion of a transaction requires the support of professionals with proven knowledge and expertise in these processes, where legal, tax, opportunity and even personal issues are important factors.

The creation of true value in a transaction depends, to a large extent, on the thoroughness and quality of the Due Diligence process and the valuation made of the business. AUDRIA goes beyond the traditional review and financial analysis to identify the transaction’s key aspects.

AUDRIA’s Due Diligence team brings its knowledge and expertise in many industries, helping our clients to understand all aspects of the transaction and uncovering its true potential.

Not only do we investigate in depth the historical results, cash flows and asset quality; we also provide input for the negotiations, agreements and their development.